Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tonights weigh in

I was very pleased with my weigh-in tonight, and in all fairness I was expecting to have put weight on this week.  The reason I thought I had put on weight was that I had planned what I was going to eat and tracked everything I ate.  Every day I went way over my syns values, but it gave me an idea of what passed through my lips. 

This week I lost two and half pounds, making the combined weight loss for the last two weeks seven and a half pounds.  My goal for this coming week is to loose three pounds, as this will take me to a total of two stone weight loss.  My goal after this is to reach, what Slimming World call Club 10, which is a 10 % weight loss of your original weight.  For me to reach this after tonight's weigh-in I have to loose seven pounds!  If I reach this i will have lost a total of two stone and four pounds.

At the moment I am really excited!!  I have had a night where I have gone way over my syns, but fresh start tomorrow, as I don't want last week to catch up with me!

I am also going to try this weeks challenge that Gill, who takes our meetings set us.  The challenge is to eat five bits of fruit or veg before consuming any syns, and being on a late tomorrow, will mean I can try and stay of the chocolate until I have done this.

Another big step for me tomorrow is to do my first session without the personnel trainer at the gym tomorrow!  I don't know if I am going to find this easy or hard!  I will keep you posted this week!

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