Weigh-in for slimming world for last two weeks have been on Monday due to the Christmas holidays! 23/12/2013 I lost 0.5lbs and on 30/12/2013 I had put on 6 and half lbs!
Am I upset? No, why would I be! I had a fab Xmas and stuck to plan where I could. Meet up with friends lots in the put, had lots of Christmas cake, mince pies and Christmas pud! Yum, Yum , YUM!
New Years Eve, I new I was going out, o all day was sticking to the slimming world plan and the night spent drinking! Then back onto plan yesterday and tracking everything that I eat and eating loads of super free!
I have also thought about what I really want to achieve and by weight in on the 04/02/2014 I will have wanted to have lost 16lbs. How am I going to achieve this? Every day at work spend 30 mins of my lunch hour walking and then also do some other form of exercise daily.
I am also going to carry on meal planning and keep a daily food diary, showing the good, the bad and the ugly! I have also heard it is good to try and keep a mood diary to, I am trying this to! Why? I am a comfort and emotional eater/drinker, so by trying to think about how I feel before I eat, its worth a shot and I'm also hoping it will help me decide whether I am hungry or thirsty. I have also got to learn not to be so hard on myself as this doesn't affect my journey to! I need to relax and enjoy, as well as enjoying and trying new recipes!
I have also got lots of bottles of water in the car, as I am also aiming to drink more as I don't drink enough water, but drink to much coffee at work! I do also drink a lot of diet coke, while this is free on the slimming world plan, I believes it does affect my journey and makes me want to eat sugar laden foods more. I have noticed that without thinking over the last couple of days by increasing my water intake I haven't felt the need to have diet coke! I love this side effect!
Thanks for reading my ramblings!
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