Wednesday, 6 November 2013

'Make the decision, then do something - no matter how small - towards accomplishing what you want.'

What do I want?
To loose weight to be healthy and look good!
To be able to ride a horse again!
To be able to run a half marathon!
To be able to wear my red dress again!

I have had such a fab day today on the plan.  I think it helps that I lost a pound and a half this week, a total of 6lbs over the last two weeks!  Four more pounds and back to two and half stone weight loss and 11 pounds to 3 stone weight loss! Seven weeks to it in (last weight in before Xmas is going to be a Monday as class is not running on Xmas eve!

So what have I done today to start achieving my goals? I incorporated in my daily walk this morning the first pod cast of NHS couch to 5K. I had anticipated it was going to be much harder than it was. Don't get me wrong I didn't find it easy and the challenge was actually having the confidence of doing and completing it!  I was so proud of myself that I had done it.  As I said i incorporated this into my daily walk and came back via the butchers as I needed some veg (they are also a greengrocers!)

I got home and had breakfast which is my usual smoothie which included a banana, strawberries, blackberries, a Muller light and some skimmed milk from my healthy a allowance.  I had this with slimming world pancakes, made from 35g of porridge (healthy extra b), Muller light and 2 eggs, served with more strawberries and a lone left over blackberry! Served with a teaspoon of honey (1 syn).

After a shower it was of to work for me, as i am on a late shift!  My first tea break I had some left over pancakes and fruit, as I couldn't finish at breakfast!

Lunch was a load of lettuce leaves served with left over roast chicken and two tablespoons of extra light mayo (2 syns).  Picture taken half way through my meal:
Dinner was fish pie with loads of super free added and served with leeks and broccoli, but I had eaten most of these before I took the picture:

I have also snacked on 5 celebrations (allowed 1 sysn each), which is about 5 Syns.  So total syns is 8.  I have also allotted 35 syns for the week on a 35cl bottle of vodka of which I have had some tonight.

I have learnt (or should I say noticed) a number of things today.  I always try to aim for 5 in a day and don't always achieve this amount but I have noticed six things today which I need to try and put into practise!

1) Stop putting of to tomorrow, what you can do today.
2) Loved doing the first couch to 5k run today!
3) Can achieve what I want if I put my mind to it!
4) Need to achieve my goals one step at a time!
5) Learn to love myself!
6) Think about my food before I eat it!

That's all folks as I have agreed to a shift swap tomorrow and have to be in at work for 8am!

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